Last week, to our amazement over 45 local residents attended a meeting
in Dalston to create a community organisation in the area.

The meeting discussed the issues that people care about, and how we can
build an inclusive voice that can raise community concerns in a way that
cannot simply be ignored.
At the end of the meeting, everyone agreed to take ten copies of a paper
based version of our survey and get these completed before the next
meeting. If you have completed them, you can either scan or photograph
them and email them to,
post them to the address on the form, or bring them to the next
meeting. If you were not at the meeting and would like a copy of the
paper-based survey, please drop us an email and we will forward one to
Next steps
At the moment we are ‘listening’ to the community, identifying the
issues that people in the area feel sufficiently concerned about to want
to organise to see change. We have an on-line survey where we invite
people to tell us what issues they care about and if they want to get
involved. Please visit if you would like to take part.
Our next meeting is at the Trinity Centre on Beechwood Road on
Tuesday 10 December at 6.30pm (as ever we commit to finish promptly by
How you can help:
Speak to your friends and neighbours about Dalston Futures, and how we
are trying to build a community organisation and encourage them to join
us on 10 December. We are encouraging people to register to attend the
We don’t have a leaflet for the next meeting, but we will need to
leaflet the area again. Indeed, in the future, we may need to collect
petitions door to door, so we are trying to establish a list of
supporters who will take responsibility for contacting people in their
street, or block: if you can help, please register when you complete the
We want as many people as possible to get involved so please forward
this email onto friends and neighbours. If you use twitter or facebook,
then please post the following message:
Wow, Dalston’s communities are getting organised
Please RT
More than anything, though, why not just speak to your neighbours and get them along to the next meeting?
Inevitably this initiative has begun with just a few people, but we need
more people to take on a role in helping us get organised between
meetings. In particular, we need people to visit local faith and
community organisations and discuss what we are trying to do. If you
have some time, and want to get more involved, please drop an email to
Who are Hackney Unites?
Dalston Futures is an initiative of Hackney Unites, a community
coalition for social justice, our member organisations include Hackney
Planning Watch, the Black and Minority Arts Network, North East London
Anti Racist Alliance, and Digs, the private sector tenants group. We are
not aligned to any political party or ideology, and work when we can
with people with a wide range of political views. We believe that our
communities can prosper when we work together, and that if we want to
see positive change in our communities then we need to work together to
make that change happen rather than leaving it to someone else.
Can you help us with a regular donation?
Hackney Unites is always exploring grant funding for our projects, but
in all honesty, it is never enough. We need local people to help with
regular donations.
We are transforming Hackney, but we need a little help. If you would
like to help, you can make a donation via telephone, or on-line banking:
our account name is Hackney Unites,
Unity Trust Bank,
Sort Code 08-60-01
Account number: 20245706.
Alternatively you can write a cheque and send it to Hackney Unites C/O
HCVS, 84 Springfield House, 5 Tyssen Street London, E8 2LY.
Some of our supporters help by donating a regular sum, between £1 - £5
per month. If you would like to join them, you can download a standing
order form from
(please complete and return to us) or set this up via telephone banking.
Many thanks for your interest; let's get our community organised!
John Page
Hackney Unites |
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