Sunday, November 6, 2011

Transition Hackney presents....

Transition Hackney presents.... Swap shop, mending skillshare and 'The Story of Stuff'
on Tuesday 15th November, 7pm
at Passing Clouds, 1 Richmond Road, Just off Kingland Road behind the Haggerston Pub
Presenting positive pictures and providing a discussion space for people to be inspired, proactive and positive members of our flourishing Hackney community. It̢۪s a space for learning, sharing ideas, and finding solutions to challenges that our locality faces such as peak oil, climate change, and an unsustainable economy in ways that strengthen community.

With Christmas fast approaching and Buy Nothing Day almost upon us, it's the perfect time to be thinking about all the 'stuff' we buy and all the things we throw out. Transition Hackney is hosting a lively evening about consumerism with a swap shop, skillshare on mending clothes, the screening of 'The Story of Stuff' and speakers from inspiring projects - Chris Hardy from Upcycle and Hannah Lewis from the Remakery.
Join us for our 6th and final event for 2011 and bring along:
- A dish for the food share
- Any unwanted clothes and books (in good condition please, and washed if it's clothing!)
- A sock to darn, a jumper to mend or a pair of jeans to patch. If you have an item of clothing that is in need of repair, bring it along and we will help you to mend it

Programme for the evening
7.00pm - Food share - bring a dish and take a little from the many dishes provided by others
7.30pm - Film screening
8.00pm - Presentations
8.30pm - Skillshare, swap shop and time to exhange ideas

The Earth Course (from Friends of the Earth)

The Earth Course is a space to learn, share, discuss, debate, and ultimately come to your own conclusions about the environment. It is designed for residents of Hackney and Tower Hamlets who know a little but not a lot about the environment, and would like to explore the issues more.

The Earth Course consists of six evening sessions at weekly intervals with the following themes.

Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: The Natural World
Week 3: Climate Change
Week 4: Green Economy
Week 5: People Power
Week 6: What can we do?

Between each session there will be thought-provoking readings on the theme of the next session, as well as recommendations for further readings on the issues covered. The sessions themselves will be participative, with an emphasis on co-learning rather than traditional ‘teaching’.

The sessions will run on Wednesdays 11, 18 and 25 January, and 1, 8 and 15 of February.

For an application form, please email by 30 November.