Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hackney coalition for social justice

A number of groups in Hackney are coming together to form a coalition to challenge social exclusion and promote social justice.

Forthcoming projects include:

Working with national campaigns to expose the racism of the BNP in advance of the 2010 local government elections.

Planning a community conference in Hackney where we can chare ideas and celebrate our communities.

Planning a workers advice centre where trade unionists, community groups and lawyers provide advice on how to challenge unlawful and poor employment practices.

If you want to know more then contact:

The coalition plans to have both group and individual membership and a draft constitution is reproduced below:

Hackney Coalition for Social Justice



To promote the social inclusion of people living or working in Hackney from socially disadvantaged and minority ethnic backgrounds by offering opportunities to participate in social, cultural, educational, training and decision-making activities.

To challenge racism and other ideologies of exclusion and division.

To promote social cohesion and co-operation between communities in Hackney.

To work collaboratively, share information and learn from each other’s experiences in delivering a range of services to the community in order to identify good practice and enhance our service-delivery.

To promote active involvement in the democratic process (without promoting any single political grouping).

To promote physical and mental well-being.

To contribute to tackling social exclusion through the provision of advice and training, (believing that the socially excluded need not be passive victims, but can be agents of social change and democratic renewal).


The Hackney Coalition for Social Justice will accept both group and individual memberships.

Group membership

The founding group members of HCSJ are …

These associations are Full Group Members.

The Management Committee will consider applications to become Associate Group Members from other associations representing Hackney people whose objectives are sympathetic to our own.

Applications by Associate Group Members to become Full Group Members will be considered by the Management Committee.

Individual membership

Individuals may become members by payment of a membership fee. This fee will be at a figure to be agreed by the management committee, but should be set at a rate which does not exclude those on low incomes.

Members of the management committee will also be individual members of HCSJ.


The Management Committee shall consist of one nominee from each of the Full Group Member associations.

The Management Committee will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers it deems appropriate.

Officers shall be appointed at the first meeting of the MC following the Annual General Meeting,

Should the Chairman and Vice Chairman be absent from any meeting, the members shall appoint one of themselves as Chairman.

Officers will retire and new elections will be held annually.

No members of the MC shall acquire any interest in property belongings to HCSJ.

Any member of the MC may resign by giving notice to the Secretary

Any member of the MC who is a professional person engaged in a profession may charge and may be paid all the usual charges for business done by him or her (provided that at no time shall a majority of the members of the MC benefit under this provision).

A member of the MC shall withdraw from any meeting at which his/ her own remuneration is under discussion or in relation to any matters which give rise to an actual or potential conflict of interest.

The role of the Management Committee is to provide control and stewardship of HCSJ’s activities, finances and the general conditions of the organisation. It should implement the policy decisions agreed at meetings of individual members.


The MC shall hold an Annual General Meeting and at least three Ordinary Meetings each year by providing at least 7 days notice in writing.

An Extraordinary Meeting may be called at any time by a majority of the officers.

The MC may from time to time make and alter rules for the conduct of their business, the summoning and conduct of their meetings and the custody of documents. No rule may be made which is inconsistent with this constitution.

The MC may co-opt up to 2 persons

Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the MC present and voting on the question but in case of equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

A meeting will be quorate if 50% + 1 of the MC members are present.

General meetings of individual members

HCSJ seeks to be a membership led and an active membership organisation. The key policy forum will therefore be formal meetings of individual members. These meetings will organise membership activity, and discuss and agree policy and priorities.

POWERS of the Management Committee

The Management Committee may exercise the following powers:

the power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions within all relevant requirements of the law.

the power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property in order to further the objects of the Consortium and to maintain and equip it for use.

the power to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of HCSJ’S property.

the power to employ staff (who shall not be members of the MC) for the proper pursuit of HCSJ’s objects and to make provision for the payment of salaries.

the power to suspend or expel any member who is in breach of the rules of the Organisation. Any suspended or expelled member may seek an appeal of the decision.

the power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities to exchange information and advice.

the power to do all lawful things in order to further HCSJ’S objects.


The funds of HCSJ, including all donations and contributions shall be paid into an account operated by the Management Committee in the name of HCSJ. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two of the following officers: the Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

HCSJ funds shall be applied only in furthering the objects.


The Management Committee shall comply with the charities Act 1992 with regard to:

the keeping of accounting records, and

the preparation of annual statements of account.


Except for the clause on dissolution, the constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the Management Committee at any meeting of the Management Committee.


The Management Committee may propose to dissolve HCSJ by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the Management Committee at any meeting of the Management Committee provided that all Management Committee members have received notice of the meeting and a copy of the resolution 21 days in advance.

Such a resolution must then be put to a general meeting of the individual members, where it must be agreed by a simple majority of those present.

After the payment of all liabilities any assets shall be distributed equally between the Full Group Members of HCSJ.

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